Thursday, January 29, 2015

New Baby Binder

This gift is a MUST HAVE for all soon-to-be mommies out there!  Here's how it goes - you've packed the diaper bag to an immaculate masterpiece, the car seat is perfectly installed, and your suitcase is efficiently organized to your needs.  Then this happens: the paperwork starts adding up.  You put a paper here, another annoyingly legal-sized paper here, and before you know it you have paperwork everywhere.  They even give you some generic hospital folder at one point, but by this time you've already managed to shove paperwork in every item you've brought.

Once you get home, you've also added the baby's hospital bracelet to your collection, and wait where's that super important social security form I'm supposed to save?

Even the most organized mom needs this new mommy binder!

What you'll need:

  • An accordion-style binder with dividers.  This can be found in the office section of Target or Walmart.
  • THAT'S IT!  Yep, probably the shortest list you've used since you found out you were pregnant.
After you have purchased the binder (which should already come with the divider labels) it's time to label them.  Here are the labels I used for my binder:

  • Birth Certificate & Social Security Card
  • Immunization Records
  • Insurance Paperwork
  • Other Health Records
  • Pediatrician Visits
  • Other Health Records
  • Parenting articles/pamphlets
  • Keepsakes
  • Milestones
  • Receipts/Warranties
  • Manuals
  • Nursing/Feeding Information
  • Miscellaneous
Here's my finished product:

Now regardless of your sleep deprivation, you should be able to find the needed paperwork when you need it, and you'll be able to properly file it when you regain a few more hours of sleep :)

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

New Baby Wreath

Oh baby!  It is baby season over here.  No, no, no I am not pregnant; but I feel like a ton of women are.  Part of me is jealous of the excitement - can I just name babies as a career? and a larger part of me is thankful that I sleep all night and have already been blessed with two happy, healthy children of my own.  I had the honor and challenge of buying a gift for my friend's baby shower - check out her blog here!  Her and her husband have decided to not find out the sex of their baby, which is completely awesome for them and totally (and selfishly) not awesome for me because I want to know now.  I'm looking forward to meeting their new bundle of preciousness in the next few weeks.

I was very excited to give her some unique gifts that would also work for either gender and didn't include yellow ducks because well...I just can't.  The first gift I'm sharing here today.  I knew they decorated the nursery grey and white because she has fabulous taste and are planing on adding an accent color (aqua or coral) once the baby arrives.  I decided to make a wreath to complement the room, or use on the bedroom door, or even decorate front door to announce Baby P's arrival.  I went with grey and white burlap and then tied on aqua and coral ribbon to accent it.  There isn't much accent on it yet in order to allow her to either add additional aqua or coral once the baby arrives.  I was sure to give her the extra ribbon.

The last special touch I added was the mini chalkboard.  I LOVE chalkboard everything: walls, signs, accents, etc.  I can't wait for Baby P to arrive, and I'll also be sharing another unique gift tomorrow!

For a detailed description on how to make the mesh/burlap wreath, check out my Christmas wreath blog here!

Finished product:
Stay tuned for more unique baby shower gifts!

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

10 Ways to be More Like Olivia Pope

Scandal starts up again this week, and if you're anything like me the week is not going by fast enough.  I love this show for all of the right reasons: the sex, drama, and wardrobe.  Sure there are great actors as well with gripping story lines, but let's be honest about why we watch it ;)  Olivia Pope is a strong female lead who will draw you in instantly with her passion and intelligence.  After each episode, I begin thinking about how I can be more like her because I just love this character so much.  So, in the spirit of her return this week, here's 10 ways to be more like Olivia Pope:

  1. Trust your gut: Olivia has a firm sense of who she is and trusts her initial instincts.  Yes, we've found out she isn't right 100% of the time, (how could she know her mom was really a terrorist?!) but she trusts herself and rarely questions decisions that have already been made.
  2. Buy more black and white: Like me, you may be tempted to buy that awesome tribal print top, but I've been inspired by Olivia to buy more basics.  Classic is always in style.
  3. Your mistakes don't define you:  One of the most interesting things about the protagonist of Scandal, is that she's not free from wrong doing.  She's the ongoing mistress of the President of the United States!  I've said things I shouldn't have, I've done things I shouldn't have: I'm human.  I make mistakes, but they don't define me.  Olivia doesn't let a mistake knock her down - be a gladiator and move forward!
  4. Create a tagline: I' m not sure how possible this is, but I would love a tagline.  I'm seriously contemplating something I could say at the beginning/end of every class that would eventually become so well-known that it would be mine.  I'm not sure I can top "It's handled."
  5. Have a coat for every occasion:  I live in northern Indiana, so even if I bought 5 coats a year, I would get plenty of use out of them.  I'm slowly working on building my collection, and have been eyeing Olivia Pope's classic style for inspiration.  I so desperately wanted the winter coat from the Scandal Collection at The Limited, but by the time it was on sale; it was sold out :(
  6. Not everyone has to like you:  This is a challenge for me at times, but it's a realistic expectation.  I tend to be quiet, which often comes across as though I'm not friendly.  This isn't the case at all.  After you get to know me, it's immediately evident that I talk A LOT.  It just takes me a little bit to come out of my introvert shell and open up to people.  Still, I may not be your cup of tea and that's okay.  Olivia wouldn't lose sleep over it, so neither should I.
  7. Buy leather opera ASAP:  They've been sold out at The Limited since they were released, and I'd love to find out where else I can buy them.  They seem like such a classy accessory to own, and therefore I neeeeed them.
  8. Know your worth:  One of my favorite Olivia Pope quotes is "You would be lucky to have me."  As women we need to know our worth.  I'm fortunate to have an amazing husband who respects me, and treats me how I deserve to be treated, but that has not always been the case.  There were times in my life when I needed to acknowledge that I deserved better.  I'm happy to say that I couldn't imagine finding anyone better.  Olivia Pope knows what she deserves, even though her passion blurs her eyesight at times :)
  9. Have a team:  Okay, I'm not sure this is even possible, but a girl can dream right?
  10. Take time for yourself:  Even a gladiator needs a little time to decompress.  Have a glass of wine, take a nap, go to the spa, paint your nails; whatever you can manage that is just for YOU.  It's hard as a devoted wife and mother to find that time and leave the guilt behind, but hey if Olivia Pope can take a break so can we :)
Don't forget to watch Scandal this Thursday to get more Olivia Pope inspiration!

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